Contraceptives - Track 30 - December 2024

Last Month:
Level Total reported SDPs Stock availability Stock out
No of SDPs % No of SDPs %
* Primary SDP's 9,884 6,344 64% 3,540 36%
** Secondary/Tertiary SDP's 366 46 13% 320 87%
Total SDP's 10,250 6,390 62% 3,860 38%

  • As the number of trained providers for implants are limited, some proportion of stockout in attributed to absence of trained provider.
  • Currently the data of trained providers by facility is not available, it will be acquired and made available in LMIS soon.
For annual comparison report please visit Track 30 Comparison
* SDPs that have at least three modern FP methods with non-zero stocks.
** SDPs that have at least five modern FP methods with non-zero stocks.

Annually reported supply chain indicators for 69 FP2030 focused countries

Indicator Indicator Definition Data Source and Availability
10. Percentage of facilities stocked out, by method offered, on the day of assessment Percentage of facilities stocked out of each type of contraceptive offered, on the day of assessment Survey, service statistics
* 11a. Percentage of primary SDPs that have at least 3 modern methods of contraception available on day of assessment The percentage of service delivery points that have at least 3 modern methods of contraception available on the day of the assessment. This indicator considers methods (such as injectables), not products (such as the 3 month or 6 month injectable) or brands (such as Depo-Provera) Survey data, service statistics
** 11b. Percentage of secondary/tertiary SDPs with at least 5 modern methods of contraception available on day of assessment The percentage of secondary and tertiary service delivery points that have at least 5 modern methods of contraception available on the day of the assessment. This indicator considers methods (such as injectables), not products (such as the 3 month or 6 month injectable) or brands (such as Depo-Provera). The determination of which health facilities are defined as "secondary" or "tertiary" will be made at the country level, based on existing classifications. Survey data, service statistics